In order to upgrade our basic infrastructure of Winet and to always be able to offer you the best solutions in the future, we hereby inform you about the following maintenance windows:

11/5/2020 11:00 PM to 11/6/2020 2:00 AM

Expected interruptions for you:

Affected service:

Basic infrastructure Winet

If, contrary to expectations, your service does not work after the maintenance work, we ask you to restart your device on site. If this does not help, we ask you to contact our support by phone. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for taking note of!



Why it's not worth importing sugar beets.

VoIP telephony from your region: refined and precisely dosed.

Why you shouldn't store your apples in a Seattle store.

VoIP telephony from your region: well stored in the Swiss cloud.

Why you shouldn't buy your carrots from the dealer in Washington.

VoIP telephony from your region: well-rooted, tasty, fresh.

Why you should better eat duck eggs instead of chicken eggs.

Your VoIP telephony provider from the region: deliver instead of cackle.
The Winet product range

The Winet product range

In this article, we would like to present our product and service offerings and introduce you to its features and benefits. This is to...
Winet monthly review April 2022

Winet monthly review April 2022

We are pleased to surprise you with another monthly review of Winet. Spring welcomed us with sunny...