Winet monthly review April 2022

We look forward to surprising you again with another monthly review of Winet. Spring greeted us with sunny weather and blooming colors of nature. Since then we have continued to work on new and exciting projects new and exciting projects since the beginning of the year in order to increase the customer experience even more for you.

In the monthly review April we present our developments and the latest updates from Winet. This month we have prepared many exciting insider topics for you in our articles. We will bring you closer to the following topics, among others: Winet customer story with Immobilien House Gossweiler, support campaign: free calls for Ukraine and top news regarding Ayrix: the new provisioning app is here!



Winet Customer Story with Immobilien House Gossweiler

Winet Customer Story with Immobilien House Gossweiler

How does a cooperation with Winet work?
What does it look like when we install a telephone system for customers?

You can find out that and more in an interview with Marcel Gossweiler (CEO Immobilien House Gossweiler) and his son Bryan Gossweiler (responsible for management/marketing).

Click on the link, to learn more about this Winet Customer Story.

Ayrix Scan & Go - The new provisioning app from Ayrix

Ayrix Scan & Go - Provisioning App from Ayrix

In this guest post by Ayrix we go into more detail about the new provisioning app and its functions:

Ayrix Scan & Go is the app to quickly discover and register your phone devices. The new provisioning app from Ayrix facilitates the setup of communication end devices (English extensions) in the company. It is about the possibility to scan the MAC address of the phone with a barcode scanner directly with your own smartphone or tablet and thus register it in the system. This is a very simple way to easily set up and connect one's business phones to the system. Whether in the office or from home in the home office, the phone device is recognized and automatically set up at any time and from anywhere thanks to Ayrix Scan & Go.

Ayrix Scan & Go is available on the App Store or Play Store . Thanks to the user-friendly provisioning app, setting up telephony devices is now easier than ever before. This is not only saving a lot of time, but also enables configuration without professional knowledge in telecommunications. With the simple operation and modern barcode scanning, anyone can easily set up the business telephone. For this purpose, a configuration template is created directly on Ayrix, which can be adjusted at any time and by anyone.

Once the phone is connected to the network, the device is ready to use as it has been automatically configured thanks to the scanning of the MAC address and the chosen template.

That is not all. Furthermore, a specific QR code can be generated directly on the cloud PBX Ayrix, which can be used simply to log into the provisioning app. This enables the user to access the configuration and assignment of the extensions intelligently and quickly, without having to enter the login information each time.

Summarized benefits of the Ayrix provisioning app

  • The provisioning app "Ayrix Scan & Go" can be used in the App Store and Google Play Store and can be used on any mobile device.
  • With help of the app’s barcode scanner, the MAC address of the phone can be quickly detected and registered. As a result, the telephone is automatically linked to the telephone system via Ayrix and the corresponding device can be used for the phone business.
  • The provisioning app is user-friendly and can be used by anyone from anywhere. The configuration is very easy due to the scanning process and saves the user a lot of time during setup.
  • By scanning the MAC address, the phone device will be automatically configured on Ayrix and is ready to use afterwards.
  • A specific QR code can be generated on Ayrix, which can be used to log into the app. This saves you time from repeatedly type in your login information.

Ayrix Scan & Go is available on the App Store and Play Store . Interested? Get the new provisioning app from Ayrix and benefit from it today!

You will also find a current article from the Swiss IT Magazine. Click here to read the article.

Free calls to Ukraine

Free calls to Ukraine

In March and April of this year we launched a contribution to support the current situation in Ukraine. Due to the current situation, Winet has decided to waive the costs for telephone calls from Switzerland to Ukraine until further notice.

Interpersonal communication is immensely important in such a situation in order to get in touch with the affected people on site. We hope to be able to help with this support.

#StandWithUkraine 🕊️

Final reflexion

We are very pleased that we were able to be there for our customers in April and that we can continue to support them in their everyday business. It is very important for us that we share the latest information and developments from Winet with our customers and partners. Because we strive to offer the best and simplest solutions for our customers and partners, so that everyone can benefit from it in all areas of telephony.

With our innovative Cloud PBX Ayrix offers our customers an elegant and simple telephony solution. With its clear interface and drag-and-drop functionality, the new telephone system combines the most important telephony functions to optimally accompany you and your team on your business journey. If you would like to check whether a migration is worthwhile to our new Cloud PBX is worthwhile, please do not hesitate to contact us Because we support you and are happy to help you with your telephony business.



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