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Configuration of Astra with winTrunk

11 min read

Generally #

  1.  AG

Product name: winTrunk

Codec / frame length: G.711a / 20ms

Fax: T.38 protocol 1)

Registration of the SIP accounts: The communication server registers itself by means of a special SIP account, which is completely independent of the assigned number block.

ALG function: The Winet platform communicates directly with the private IP addresses of the Aastra Communication Server and the IP phones. This means that the ALG function must not be activated in the NAT router or in the Aastra Communication Server.

1) T.38 is only possible on those phone numbers that were previously reported to the Winet company.

  1. 400

Aastra Communication Server: Aastra 415, Aastra 430, Aastra 470 Release 3.0 SP1 HF1

Software version: 8444a1

Voice gateways: EIP or standard media switch

Notes on Aastra mobility solutions #

The following call scenarios were tested: #

  • Mobile phone calls an external subscriber via AMC 3 "Call-Through", puts him on hold using the AMC 3 application and transfers him to an internal user with an IP terminal.
  • External subscriber calls an internal user with a mobile phone via Aastra 400. The mobile phone puts this connection on hold using the AMC 3 application and transfers the external subscriber to an internal user with an IP terminal.
  • Internal user with IP terminal calls an internal user with a mobile phone. The mobile phone puts this connection on hold using the AMC 3 application and transfers the caller to an internal user with an AD2 terminal.
  • External subscriber calls an internal user with a mobile phone (in One Number 1: n) via Aastra 400.
  • An internal user with an IP terminal performs a fast take on an internal user with a mobile phone who is currently busy on the associated mobile phone.
  • The mobile phone uses the AMC 3 application to perform a fast take on an occupied internal user with an IP terminal.
  • Mobile phone calls another mobile phone. The second mobile phone puts this connection on hold using the AMC 3 application and transfers the caller to an internal user with an IP terminal.
  • Mobile phone (without available data channel) calls using the AMC 3 application. an ext. Participant.
  • External subscriber calls a mobile phone (without an available data channel).

Notes on the AMC 3 solution: #

  • All tests were carried out with a mobile phone (Android operating system v4.3) and the AMC software versions AMCC 10684.16.5 and AMC 4 client 4.0.2 Build 3527.
  • The "winTrunk" must have the "CLIP no screening" option so that the CLIP number of the calling A subscriber is displayed on the called mobile phone.
  • In the call scenario "External subscriber calls an internal user with a mobile phone via Aastra 400", on the mobile phone always the CLIP number of the calling external A-subscriber is presented.
  1. Controller)

The following call scenarios1) Were tested: #

  • GSM mobile phone calls an external subscriber via GSM integration number, puts him on hold and transfers him to an internal user with an IP terminal.
  • External subscriber calls an internal user with a GSM terminal via Aastra 400. The GSM mobile phone puts this connection on hold and transfers it to an internal user with an IP terminal.
  • Internal user with IP terminal calls an internal user with GSM terminal. The GSM mobile phone puts this connection on hold and transfers the caller to an internal user with an AD2 terminal.
  • External subscriber calls an internal user with a GSM device (in One Number 1: n) via Aastra 400.
  • An internal user with an IP terminal performs a Fast Take on an internal user with a GSM terminal who is currently busy on the associated GSM mobile phone.
  • GSM mobile phone performs a fast take on an occupied internal user with an IP terminal.

Notes on GSM integration: #

  • The "winTrunk" must have the "CLIP no screening" option so that the CLIP number of the calling A subscriber is displayed on the called GSM mobile phone.
  • With Aastra 400, instead of the CLIP number of the calling external A subscriber, the CLIP number of the Aastra 400's GSM terminal device (B subscriber) can also be transmitted to the GSM mobile phone being called (e.g. client function). If this is desired, the parameter “Send incoming CLIP for trunk to trunk connections” must be configured to “No” in the corresponding SIP bundle (AMS CM_3.1.5 bundle, “CLIP” tab).
  • Conferences with 2 external participants which are initiated by an AMC 3 user are currently not possible.

1) This also applies to an Aastra Mobile Client (AMC 2.0) installed on the GSM mobile phone.

  1. restrictions
  • In order to enable all call scenarios together with "winTrunk", the RTP data stream must always be routed via the communication server (so-called "indirect switching", AMS_CM_3.2.4 param. "Route RTP data stream via communication server" to "Yes"). When configuring, please note that "Indirect Switching" may require more VoIP resources in the Aastra 400.

Important: No tests with "Direct Switching" were carried out, so "Direct Switching" together with "winTrunk" Not Approved.

  • Winet uses domain names for the SIP registrar and the SIP proxy. Please configure at least one IP address of a valid DNS server in the Aastra 400 (AMS_CM_2.2.1).
  • If the communication server does not have any ISDN trunk lines, please remove the clock synchronization from all ISDN trunk ports (if available) and then restart the communication server. Then check that the "Synch. Status" parameter shows the "Idle" status (AMS CM_3.2.1.1, "Clock reference" tab).
  • We recommend using an NTP time server (AMS CM_2.3.3.5) so that the clock of the communication server is always up-to-date despite the lack of ISDN trunk lines.


  • For call forwarding SIP trunk to SIP trunk, we recommend using the SIP diversion header "non-recursing" (AMS_CM_3.2.4) so that the call number of the calling subscriber (A number) is displayed at the destination subscriber. With call forwarding SIP trunk - SIP trunk (within the Aastra 400) without SIP diversion header, the external destination subscriber of the call forwarding is always presented with the call number of the forwarding subscriber (B number) as CLIP.
  • In order for the outgoing CLIP transmission to work as optimally as possible, we recommend leaving the "CLIP automatic" configuration to "Yes" for each user (AMS CM_4.1 user).
  • "WinTrunk" supports the "CLIP no screening" feature. This feature allows Aastra 400 users to transmit outgoing CLIP numbers that do not belong to the assigned number range (e.g. 0800 xxx xxx), or when using one of the two Aastra mobility solutions, in some call scenarios the numbers of the calling external subscribers can also be assigned to those called Mobile phones are transmitted.
  • When transferring external or internal calls without In rare cases, the A-subscriber does not have a call control tone audible in advance.

Configuration of the Aastra 400 communication system #

  • These configuration instructions only describe the SIP-specific configurations for operating the Aastra 400 with the "winTrunk" from Winet Network Solutions AG.

Please refer to the relevant system manuals for information on required hardware, licenses and the other configuration options.

  • The screenshots are based on AMS 3.0.22c and software version 8444a1 of the Aastra 400 Release 3.0 SP1 HF1.
  • Please only change the specially marked parameters; if possible, leave the rest in the respective basic settings according to the following screenshots.
  • configure

Aastra 400 WebAdmin allows you to import the SIP provider settings according to "CM_3.2.4 SIP provider" using an XML file. This XML file is available for download in the KnowledgeBase under "TI 1537".

AMS CM_3.2.4 SIP provider / account #

  1. Set the "From field for CLIR" to "Adopt from SIP account (RFC 3323)".
  2. Configure "Music while waiting" to "Yes".
  3. Set "Music while waiting: Signaling" to "No signaling (no media update)".
  4. Set "Send diversion information" to "Yes, with Diversion header (non-recursing)".
  5. Set the "Preferred Codec" parameter to "G.711a".
  6. Enter the name of the registrar and the proxy "".
  7. Set preferred registration interval to 120s.
  8. Configure "Activate keep alive" to "Yes"
  9. Configure "Forward RTP data stream via communication server" to "Yes".
  10. Define the desired bundle number for Winet.
  11. Set “Provider Authentication” to “With an Account”
  • configure

AMS CM_3.1.5 Bundle, "Bundle" tab #

  1. Define the extension plan for the "winTrunk" phone numbers.

If you need several direct-inward dialing plans (eg with a mixed operation “winTrunk” / ISDN), define the direct-dialing plan in the SIP bundle before opening the SIP accounts. This should Not be identical to the direct dial plan of the ISDN bundle!

AMS CM_3.1.5 bundle, "Performance characteristics" tab #

  • If the Diversion header is activated in the SIP provider configuration (AMS CM_3.2.4), the parameter “Send diversion information” must be configured to “Yes”.

If the Diversion header is not activated in the SIP provider configuration, the parameter “Send diversion information” must be configured to “No”.

AMS CM_3.1.5 bundle, "CLIP" tab #

  • Define a CLIP number here for the following cases:

If there is no assigned extension number for an internal user (with "CLIP automatic = yes"), the CLIP number configured here is also sent.

  • Outgoing calls via the trunk keys of the operator set also send the CLIP number configured here (with system setting AMS CM_2.3.2).
  • Set “Transit CLIP format” to “Unknown with national code”.
  • configure

AMS CM_3.1.6 routes #

Add the previously configured SIP bundle to the desired route.

  • configure

AMS CM_3.2.4 SIP provider / account #

  • Click in the empty field of the "SIP Account" tab and select "Add".
  1. In the "SIP ID" field, enter the user name that you received from Winet.
  • The extension number field remains empty.
  • Enter the information that you have received from Winet in the fields “Username” and “Password”.
  • The parameter “Registration required” must be set to “Yes”.
  • The "Standard Account" parameter must be set to "Yes".
  • The “From field type” is “System-CLIP”.

Note: #

With the "winTrunk", the communication server registers using a special SIP account, which is completely independent of the assigned number block.

  • configure

AMS CM_3.1.3 Direct dialing plans #

  1. Using the "New Numbers" button, the entire SIP number block can be set up in the format 0xxxxxxxxx.

AMS CM_3.1.3 Direct dialing plans, "ARV destinations" tab #

  • Now configure the desired ARV destination for each extension number.
  • Fax port

AMS CM_4.2 device data, tab "Analog settings" #

1) Set the parameter "Fax device" to the value "Combination device (language / T.38)".

When using T.38, please note that a corresponding DSP configuration with "FoIP" (AMS CM_2.1.3) or an EIP card must be used. Please refer to the relevant system manuals for information on required hardware, licenses and system limits.

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